Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Can a piece of rubber change your life?

No, but it can change the way you perform in sports and other physical activities.

Power Balance bracelets have become increasingly popular in the last few months. I have had a burnt orange one for about eight months and I love it. My bother, a few of my friends, and practically everyone in my neighborhood have one. They are supposed to increase your balance, flexibility, and strength. I believe they work and everyone I know who has tried one agrees. A family friend said the first time she wore hers was in a marathon and it was her fastest time. Her husband said the pain in his elbow went away immediately when playing tennis. Many famous athletes wear them including Shaquille O' Neal, Steve Nash, Lamar Odom, and my favorite Colt McCoy. The bracelets come in tons of colors and styles; many celebrities have been wearing them. I believe they work although many people (who probably haven't tried them) think I'm crazy.

1 comment:

  1. I was recently hit by a Raleigh city bus. While laying the emergency room writhing in pain a young orderly approached me and handed me a Power Balance Bracelet saying "this little piece of rubber will change your life". I immediately put it on and within 2 hours I was up and walking; straighter than before I might add!!A week later I was released from the hospital feeling better than ever. I was so happy until I reached the doors. The sliding glass doors began closing catching my Power Balance Bracelet. I couldn't free my hand because the Power Balance Bracelet is made so well it would not break. Consequently my hand was torn off and COULD NOT be reattached. I'm afraid I have to give the Power Balance Bracelet a BIG THUMBS DOWN!!!!!
