Friday, March 18, 2011

Brackets and March Madness

Today is March 18th which means that March Madness has begun. My bracket has been filled out and I've been watching plenty of basketball. I have Syracuse, Texas, Purdue, and Pitt in my final four. Of course I have Texas winning it all. I have Ohio State being beat by Syracuse in the Elite 8 and Duke gets upset by Texas. Kansas gets beat by Purdue in the Elite 8, and Pitt is my only number one seed in the Final Four. So far I've lost ten games, and only three of them go past the 2nd round or farther.

Texas won today. Hopefully this leads them into a sweet sixteen game with Duke or Michigan either way I have friends to make bets with. However, I don't think Duke is as good as they are hyped up to be. Texas isn't as good as Duke but there isn't much hype around Texas. Duke is being talked about a lot because of Kyrie Irving, but how much of a difference can a freshman that hasn't played in almost four months make? In my opinion, not much. He has been hurt so he will not be in great shape and his skills will be rusty. I guess we will see though.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March Madness About to Begin

Long time, no write. I have not written a blog in what seems like forever. I guess when football season ends and only one of your teams was semi-successful you get kind of down. However, its basketball season and even though Texas has slumped a little these past few weeks they are still doing well. With March Madness beginning soon I hope Texas will succeed and snap out of this poor streak they have going on. Also UNC has come form behind to win the ACC regular season and they beat Duke. This makes me extremely happy even though I do not have any feelings towards either team, but Duke fans bug me. Well as of right now I feel Texas could be a powerhouse team in the tournament if they try, so I guess we'll see how it goes.