Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Favorite Buzzer Beaters of the Past Year

5. Kentucky vs. Mississippi State in the SEC Championship. Kentucky won this game after missing a 3 pointer and barely getting the recovery. It is slightly bittersweet because had they not made the shot Mississippi State would have gone to the NCAA tournament. They are the definition of a bubble team.

4. Evan Turner’s 37 foot shot in the Big 10 Championship. The Ohio State University point guard made the three pointer which won them the Big 10 Championship. They beat Michigan State with a 69-68 victory.

3. Murray State vs. Vanderbilt in the first round of the NCAA tournament. This game was one of the first big upsets in the tournament. 13 seed Murray State scored a last second shot to win the game 66-64 and upset 4th seed Vanderbilt.

2. Florida at NC State earlier this season. NC State was up with seconds left. Florida recovered the ball and Parsons shot it with a second left and made it. He was 70 feet away and swooshed the ball. I call that an amazing victory. It may have been against a not so good team, but they aren’t so good themselves.

1. Texas vs. Nebraska in the Big 12 Championship. If you didn’t catch that I switched it to football. This game would decide weather Texas would go to the National Championship or not. The game was very low scoring with switching off leads, but by the end Nebraska had taken the lead by 2. Texas needed a field goal to win it. With seconds left, the ball was snapped and Colt was in a pickle; he threw it out of bounds which left ONE second on the clock. The field goal unit was called onto the field and Hunter Lawrence kicked a 46 yard field goal. It was good by about a foot. This game was possibly one of the scariest games I have ever watched. But texas pulled through and won with a 13-12 victory.

However, the best all time buzzer beater was from 1994 between East Plano and John Tyler high schools. I have included the video below to watch the highlights from this incredible game.

And Let the Glitter Begin

Last night was the season premiere of Dancing With The Stars. I used to watch DWTS, but stopped about two seasons ago because it got boring. But this season the cast really caught my eye. The three people I was most excited about were Chad Ocho-Cinco, Erin Andrews, and Kate Gosselin. I am rooting for Chad and Erin, and I wanted to make fun of Kate.

If you didn’t know Chad Ocho-Cinco is a wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals, and Erin Andrews is a sports reporter for ESPN. I think Chad is hilarious and Erin has my dream job.

I think both of them did very well last night, but out of the two Erin was better. They both danced the Cha-Cha. Erin wore a pretty yellow costume and was very energetic. In the opening clip she seemed to be very critical of herself as was Chad. Erin got mostly positive comments from the judges and ended up getting 21 out of 30 points. This was slightly above average compared to everyone else.

Chad also did the Cha-Cha. His outfit wasn’t very exciting, but I never realized how bald he was. I thought his dance was very entertaining and he was well put together considering he had to dance first. He got mixed comments from the judges and ended up with 18 out of 30 points. This seemed to be a common score last night, but I think he deserved higher. When he was being introduced the host said “He is a man that has made a name for himself. Literally, he looked down at his jersey and made a name for himself.” I thought that was pretty funny. I also can’t wait to see what his celebrations look like after this experience.

It's just not fun...

When Jimmie Johnson wins a race it is just boring. At the race this past weekend in Bristol, the number 48 car drove over the finish line first. Jimmie Johnson had won again. He was won 3 out of the 5 Sprint Cup Series races this year. Since he has won 4 Sprint Cup Championships in a row everyone expects him to be good, but did any one expect this kind of domination? It has become predictable and boring if he wins a race. I am a HUGE Dale Jr. and Carl Edwards fan. It was fun to watch the drama unfold between Brad Keselowski and Carl Edwards. It was fun to see Dale almost win the frist race of the season, but the fun stops there because when Johnson always comes up and finishes near the top I become uninterested. I would have loved to see Joey Logano win last week or to have seen Dale Earnhardt Jr. actually lead a lap when he started at the pole. I guess you can’t get everything you wish for, but I would just like to see a change.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


So, I have filled out my brackets for the NCAA tournament. I waited until the last minute to do it, whoops. I was planning on doing 4 brackets 4 different ways, but I only did two. I am still going to do the other two because they are based on random things that don’t mean anything.

My first bracket was a true possible bracket. I was not bias and you can tell because Texas lost in the second round. My final four were Baylor, West Virgina, Kansas, and Syracuse. I had West Virginia winning it all.

My second bracket was a biased bracket. I had Texas winning it all. This is how I want the tournament to turn out.

My last two brackets will be based on which mascot would win in a death match and flipping a coin. I didn’t make up either of these. I heard the mascot one on the radio and my dad is doing to coin one. I am kind of hoping the mascot one does really well because that would be hilarious. I also have and NIT tournament bracket with North Carolina winning it all.

Monday, March 8, 2010

What should the Rams do?

I’ve heard a lot about Sam Bradford going to the Rams as the number one pick in the draft, but I personally think that is a horrible choice. If I were them I would pick Suh (one of my favorite players ever) in the first round and then pick Colt McCoy (my favorite person in the world) in the second round. That would get them an amazing defensive tackle and a great quarterback. Sam Bradford is good and big, but he has barely played in the past year due to a serious shoulder injury. So wouldn’t the Rams rather have an outstanding defensive player and an amazing quarterback that despite a small size, and minor shoulder injury, has shown to be a good player. They also wouldn’t have to worry about Suh beating him up.

Colt may be tiny, but that means nothing. I mean look at Drew Brees, a superbowl CHAMPION. He is only 6 feet tall and 209 pounds (according to wikipedia). Colt is bigger than that, so obviously a small quarterback can make it big in the pros.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

When is it okay to storm the court?

Today I have been hearing a lot about storming the court at basketball games, so I thought I would voice my opinion about it.

The reason everyone is talking about it is because of the Duke vs. Maryland game last night. Maryland upset Duke and thousands of fans and students stormed the court. It was an upset but was it a big enough upset to storm the court? I do not think it was. I like the idea of storming the court. I think it is a fun way to express team spirit, but there should be limits. I don’t think you should storm the court every single time your team wins a game. However, there are a few situations when it is okay.

  1. An Un-ranked team beats a top 5 team.
  2. A team wins a National Championship
  3. A team beats a rival with a buzzer beater
  4. It is an important night for that particular team (i.e. senior night)

Other than those reasons I do not see a point in storming the court. There are certain other times that it can be justified to storm the court, but if a number 20 team beats the number 4 team than it’s not that amazing because obviously they're good enough to be ranked. I would like to see UNC storm the court after they beat Duke because that would be a true upset. It would be an unranked team beating a highly ranked team who is a rival. Wouldn’t that be amazing? The only other thing it needs is a buzzer beater.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Olympic Closing Ceremony

While watching SportsNation today I saw some clips from the closing ceremony of the 2010 Olympic Games. I am pretty sure they made me laugh harder than I ever had before. I got on NBC’s website and watched some more highlights of it. I just want to know what the Canadians were thinking. So, it started out with a clown plugging in something which brought up a huge ice torch thingy; the torches were then lit. After that there was a lot of group singing with lots of people dressed in white. Then there seemed to be some opera singing which made my head hurt. The most entertaining singing was from Michael Buble. He dressed as a Canadian Royal Mounted Police officer and had 4 girls dressed as them also. The outfit was ripped off and he performed; what I saw of his performance was very good. After that was when I started laughing. First there was a huge group of dancing Canadian Police officers. They were very out of sync and they looked goofy; personally they reminded me of an elf-yourself. The next events were very extravagant and unnecessary. To start them off they had a group of big cutouts of hockey players. Then all at once they had big walking canoes, giant inflatable beavers and moose, and I think the dancing maple leaves happened at this time too. I then saw a group of hip hop dancers dressed in neon doing a silly dance. To finish it off they had fireworks outside the closed dome which were very pretty, but no one inside could see them.